I do not feel burned out from the exercise program and really enjoy receiving the new workouts which helps keep me motivated and excited to get into the gym.
Currently I am sitting at 10.4% body fat at 7 weeks out from my show in Montana. I feel so happy that I do not feel rushed or scared if I will have enough time to be show ready or not. This means I will have more time to work on myself in areas I could improve on.
Last week I was so excited because the suit I ordered arrived! I drove all the way home on my lunch just to try it on. I am in LOVE with this bikini. I ordered from an online store name Angel Competition Bikinis, it is a cranberry color with blue crystals and while it may not be as "blinged" out as some other bikinis it is my suit and I am proud to wear it to show off all my hard work!
One area I am currently working on is my posing which is a big aspect of what you are judged on. Standing up tall, flexed and making transitions is NOT easy by any means. I am actually sore the next day after posing class, haha.
Before I entered this competition I had no idea how much practice would need to go into perfecting the pose that is right for your body. There is no cookie cutter way because everyone is shaped differently and you want to highlight your best features.
A phrase that I recently heard and am trying to live by came from a Ted Talk video. "Fake it till you become it." I have been really using this to my advantage. When I do pose I feel silly because I have never done anything like this before but you know what? I am going to fake being the MOST confident person until I really become it and as each week goes by I am truly believing in myself more than I did in prior weeks.
I can't to see where I am in a few more weeks but for now I am going to keep on keeping on staying strong and focused!
You look amazing Sabrina!! The bikini you chose is perfect, love the color. Can't wait to hear about the competition!!